Monday, 8 January 2018

Analysis of Newspaper Front Covers

Analysis of Newspaper Front Covers - Rhys Wallett

When analyzing the front cover for the May 19th, 2017 edition of the 'Daily Mail', we can see how the right wing persona of the newspaper is enveloped in this front cover and we can analyze how the newspaper has used numerous media techniques to effectively attract an audience. An example is the effective use of font to creature an effective brand image, such as how the masthead 'Daily Mail' is written in a decorative font. This is effective as it adds connotations of creativity, newness and individuality, subconsciously telling the reader that the Daily mail is individual and strays from the fellow newspapers, thus providing news you can trust. Plus, the use of serif font in the title "At last, a PM not afraid to be honest with you" is effective as serif font has pragmatics of wealth, sophistication and tradition which tells the reader that they are a successful newspaper and the sophistication associated with serif font will link to a target audience in the higher social demographic classes (A-B) which will allow them to sell more copies.

In addition, the magazine in question proves to be associated with society's interpretation of the right wing due to the CVI of a close-up shot of Prime Minister Theresa May with the aforementioned title next to the shot. The title hence suggests that previous Prime Ministers such as David Cameron lied to us previously and so The Daily Mail has proven to support and 'sell' May almost and as the subtitle "a better deal for 'mainstream Britain'" shows how they support Brexit, it creates the impression that the Daily Mail is right wing as a more open, left-wing audience would have voted against Brexit.

Plus, we can see how the Daily Mail has decided to link to right-wing pleasure of tradition rather than the left-wing pleasure of newness and change through images such as The Crown and Lion silhouette  found in between the masthead as this has pragmatics of regality and traditional Britain, hence the decision to include an infamous sigil used to represent Britain for Centuries proves how they are applying to a target audience who would primarily value British tradition (which unfortunately closely links to a primarily Conservative, right-wing audience).


Now, we can also see how the 'Daily Mail' has appealed to their audience's needs through the plug "The Healthy Gut Diet" as this shows that the target audience of the Daily Mail are in need of health care and advice, due to said target audience being older, right wing businessmen.

However, when we look at the front cover for the May 23rd, 2017 edition the 'Daily Mirror', we can see how the left-wing newspaper has used different techniques to effectively appeal to their juxtaposing target audience than that of the 'Daily Mail'. For example, the sans serif font used in the masthead 'Daily Mirror' is an example of this, as sans-serif font has pragmatics of modernity, therefore we can see how this is effective in linking to a reformer audience, who would be the audience most attracted to the 'Daily Mirror', due to their left-wing nature, equal outlook and generally progressive method of telling recent news. Plus, how they've also used serif font in the subtitle 'PM FLIP-FLOPS AGAIN' is interesting as this is the only example of serif font used on this front cover, and as it links to Prime Minister Theresa may (From which it is obvious they dislike due to the choice to make the CVI an embarrassing mug shot of the PM) it could be a subtle satire. My theory for such is that as serif font links to tradition, the decision to use a negative comment on the PM in a traditional font could show how the Mirror is 'mocking' how May is 'upholding' British tradition.

Furthermore, the 'Daily Mirror' also prove to promote their brand image in a more blunt manner than that of the 'Daily Mail'. This is evident in the slogan of the magazine, which is 'Fighting For You'. This blatant call out to the reader proves how the Daily Mirror is putting an increased focus on selling themselves that the Daily Mail and so this promise to the audience allow the target audience to trust the magazine and so will prompt them to purchase the newspaper.

Aa a left-wing newspaper, this means that they value modern, considerate ideals which focus more on equal portrayal of people regardless of race, sex or sexuality and promote a progressive ideology.

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