Monday, 1 October 2018

Production Schedule

My show is a sit-com which follows a group of friends who share a house and follow the religious believe of Pastafarianism. The show will me a mixture of toking fun at the religion, yet also making people more aware theme s the religion is constantly interpreted, and I will call it "MEATBALLS (and Pasta)". I will set the comedy show in two scenes, the first is in my house at our dining room table, with the 4 (or 5) friends about to eat their 'holy' meal of Spaghetti and Meatballs and saying 'grace' to their deity, referencing their 'Bible' The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. The second will be in the woods, on a mock pilgrimage to Mount Sala, a religious location referenced in their holy book. I will start filming this week, and I will set the show similar to how spoof comedies set the show,  with a variety of close-ups and mid-shots with a lot of cut-scenes to hilarious and unrelated shots which shows often use to virtually demonstrate a characters train of thought.  

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