Tuesday 24 April 2018

'Legal Clowns' Project - Rhys Wallett, Nudaar Gopee, Hafsa Sheikdon, Ayanna Korsah.

'Legal Clowns' Project - Rhys Wallett, Nudaar Gopee, Hafsa Sheikhdon, Ayanna Korsah


For our Media project, our group were tasked with creating a film idea, and to produce a series of posters and a trailer alongside detailed analysis of factors to consider. As a group, after brainstorming potential ideas, we decided to make our film fit into the comedy genre, and branching off that we decided to make a legal comedy called 'Legal Clowns'. 


The plot of our movie Legal Clowns revolves around 4 colleagues at a law firm: Graham, the regular joe trapped in a mediocre position; Alex, the libertarian feminist who asserts her dominance through her intense personality; Neve, the naive lawyer who only sees the good people and is gullible to an extent and Gemma, the new trainee at the law firm brimming with happiness and nervousness. 

After the 4 mentioned characters begin to tire of their position's at the law firm, Alex recommends the 4 lawyers go on a road trip, filled with adventure. Desperate to leave, they agree and as none of them are experienced for the conventions of a road trip, the trip results in being a catastrophic failure rife with humorous events. 


Considering our advertisement methods, we decided for our posters that we will have 4 individual posters, each focused on one character.  The posters will be similar in design and layout, with a mid shot of said character doing their recognisable pose. Alongside this, each character will have their own unique quote which sums up their character in the middle of the page in hot pink. There will also be two movie ratings which are both 5 stars in the bottom right corner from Daily Mail and Glamour. The final projects are shown below: 

Analysing this, I believe that overall our posters were effective and unique. Our decision to use hot pink for the text is due to hot pink having pragmatics of fun and youth, whilst also standing out to attract an audience. The stars were included as we are attempting to use the psychology behind reviews to support our product. What I mean is that it has been proven that an audience is more tempted to go see if a film if positive reviews are left for it, as it is a stamp of quality.

Genre and Other Considerations

Legal Clowns is a comedy, in particular an inappropriate one. This is demonstrated through our trailer, where the use of wildly inappropriate jokes portray the movie as comedic and embarrassing. Therefore, we have use certain genre conventions to demonstrate to an audience that our movie is a comedy. The first example is the quick cut scenes between the slides with text. This short and snappy use of slides is a convention used for comedic trailers, and so it will establish to the audience our promise of pleasure is that you will laugh.  Plus, we have also used slapstick in 'Legal Clowns', this is evident in the wide shot where Alex throws Graham to the floor to establish dominance. This wacky and idiotic display of power translates to comedy, and so we have also used childish humour alongside innuendo humour.

Plus,  the hyperbolic language in our wide shot in the woods also displays signs of humorous intent. When Graham bellows "We're in the middle of f*cking nowhere!", this displays overexaggeration of aggression,  and the quick cut to the title turns this into a display of humour.

In the trailer we have used stereotypes for the comedy use. Such as Alex, who is a feminist, she constantly goes against the stereotypical view of woman, as she is portrayed as the alpha male. This creates a progressive ideology that women can run in a rework force, hence creating a feminist ideal. Another braking of stereotypes demonstrated is when the character Graham breaks out of the stereotypical view of men, as he cries in the woods. This can be argued