Wednesday 25 October 2017

Representation of Age in 'The One That Got Away' by Katy Perry

Representation of Age in 'The One That Got Away' by Katy Perry - Rhys Wallett

In the music video for 'The One That Got Away' by Katy Perry, there is a rife representation of age, be it of youth or the elderly, which can form either positive or negative view of how these communities can be represented.

If we are to start with the Elderly and how they, as a community are represented, we can use the first opening scene which the mise en scene shows a long shot/ panning shot of a modern looking house, with rectangular and line design. In addition, the beauty and upkeep of the house, along with the view of the garden trail and patio, suggest wealth and comfort. This means that the elderly couple who live in the house have obvious money and superiority regarding real estate, due to their hard work and money they received in their youth. This, while linking to the stereotype that the Elderly are rich and comfortable, does not portray the Elderly in a negative way; it simply means that they are further along in life than those who are younger, which is true.

However, in the next scene where we see a long shot of the Elderly couple which the mise en scene shows them wearing monotone colours of black, white and grey. This colour rule of three can have connotations of bleakness and boredom, therefore it allows a negative representation of the elderly to be conveyed as it creates the regressive ideology that the Elderly are boring and lifeless. Plus, there is an obvious tension between the elderly couple as Perry provides a bleak answer of "It was fine" to his question while still using indirect mode of address, almost as if he doesn't deserve her attention. This, alongside with when the man sighs and rolls his eyes complainingly, suggests that their relationship has worsened with age, which can be a play on the belief that relationships don't last as we age, showing how the Elderly turn bitter as a community, which is a regressive representation as the Elderly are not portrayed as joyous as people once in the video, be it due to the dead ex-lover or a consequence of ageing.

Furthermore, when we are to look at the scene where we see a long shot of the considerably aged star vehicle who shows to be caressing the spot next to her which is to be a motion for where her deceased lover should be, we get a feel of sadness and misery emanating from the scene. This can show how the Elderly community are generally disconsolate and dismal, which is a negative representation as it could be suggesting that you don't get to love life when you're old. Your time in the spotlight has long since faded, which we as a society know to be untrue.

Yet this can also be a hint towards co-dependence regarding the stereotype as a stereotype regarding the Elderly is that they will leech off their younger family until they pass away, which could be shown here as older Perry is reliant on his memory and is not shown to be independent at all.

Now to look at how the youth are represented. The first time we see young Perry, it is in a long zoom shot of her with her (who we assume) boyfriend, which the mise en scene shows her wearing a man's shirt and her sketching, in a minuscule flat. The connotations here are prevalent in an abundance, with the decision to be in a small flat is a connotation of being cheap and scarce of money; they can afford only this titchy flat. This links to the 'independent teenager' stereotype, which is that a young person/couple will rent out a way too small apartment as it is all they can afford and they struggle to make ends meet during the time they are in their studies or have left them to enter the real world. This doesn't necessarily portray young adults in a negative light, however, it just explains that it is unlikely someone so young, especially sketchers who make minimal money, would have access to glorious and lush living which the Elderly couple do: Your accommodation will improve with age, which is fact nowadays.

Moreover, when we are to consider the appearance of Perry, we can form a judgement of wealth, such as how at her flat she wears her supposed boyfriend's shirt and from what we can tell nothing waist down. This has connotations of laziness and content; she is so used to living with her Boyfriend that she doesn't care to dress up for him anymore. However, as this can also have connotations of love, it allows the positive ideology that the young can be loving and sweet, which allows a more heartfelt representation to be had. Yet when she leaves the house to attend what seems to be a wedding, the mise en scene shows her wearing a salmon pink dress with a veil, which can have connotations of wealth and class as she is looking made up and as a result, beautiful. Thus, showing how the youth can have style and fashion, which shows that they can wear nice clothes, subverting the stereotype that the youth have a poor sense of fashion, making this positive. 

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