Monday 19 February 2018

Overview Of Video Game Terminology

Overview of Video Game Terminology - Rhys Wallett

Key Terms

Avatar - The characters(s) which you play as or play in a game.

Audience Appeal - What a game will add to its creation or advertising to attract them and purchase the Videogame.

Genres: Categories of games based on the way their played, the ideals are shown and the layout of the game-play.

  Examples include:

  • Survival Horror - A game (typically 3D shooter) must survive numerous armies of monsters or enemies and survive till the game's completion (eg: COD: World at War)
  • Exercise - Games that allow players to have pleasure of exercise in the games and revolves around exercise and workout's to improve the player's health (eg: Wii Fit)
  • MMPORG - A game that millions of players can play simultaneously amongst each other and interact on the WWW (eg: World of Warcraft)

Augmented Reality - A game that uses the real world as we see it as a platform, with most AR games adding virtual miscellaneous to a genuine setting (eg: Pokemon GO)

Retro - Video Games created a few years ago and are out of date and not up to par with modern gaming, however, are still loved by players for nostalgia (eg: Mario 64)

History + Industry

Technological Changes - How consumers method of playing video games has changed and advanced as technological breakthroughs have occurred through the years.

Audience Changes - How a game has changed its target or primary audience due to changes in the gaming industry and game in question, and society's interpretation of Video gaming.

Modern Industry - The state of the Videogame industry today

Marketing + Distribution - Looks at how games are advertised to appeal to their chosen target audience and looks at the selling and the success of a Videogame with its customers.

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